我有一个朋友家住在漳州,他说他家旁边有一条小河可以钓鱼,邀请我们去,于是我们几个朋友选一个礼拜天驱车到他家去,晚上在他喝酒时,谈着谈着,不知谁先开始,谈了几件令人毛骨悚然的事—— 在漳州有一姓郭的一对夫妇,在儿子满三岁时替他拍录象作为纪念,三岁的小男 孩十分开心,在镜头前跳来跳去,那对夫妇也沉浸在幸福的愉悦当中,而没注意儿子的不对劲,就这样,那个三岁的小男孩跳着跳着就死了.
当时已接近,焦头烂额的外科何医师正要从五楼坐回家,正当他 走进电梯,转身按完电梯按钮,电梯门要关起来的时候,有一个护士 急急忙忙的跑了过来,医生连忙把电梯门再按开,让那位护士进来。
一楼到了,但是电梯没有停下来,接下来 B1.
这时,那位护士吃惊的问医生:“ 你为什麽不让他进来呢?”医生说:“我胆子很大,但我感觉有点蹊跷,你没看到他手上戴着的手环吗?那是只有送进的才会戴的‘尸环’啊!”这时护士举起了她的左手,笑得很可怕,看着医生说:“你说的是这个吗?” 电梯内沉默了,医生愕然,随后护士消失了。
再往下说说我们自己吧—— 我们边喝酒边聊,我们几个朋友都是天不怕地不怕的大老爷们,但其中一个却说“别说了,千万别说了,我听人说当你越谈到鬼、越想到鬼,就越能看到鬼”我们哈哈大笑,不以为然,在一起继续喝酒聊天吹牛。
Introduce:I have a friend to live in in Zhangzhou country, he says to there is a brook to be able to fish on the side of his home, invite us, then us a few friends choose car of a Sunday drive to go to his home, drink in his home in the evening when, talking, who to know to begin first, talked about a few hair-raising things -- a pair of couples that there is one surname Guo in Zhangzhou, in the son video is patted to serve as souvenir for him when 3 years old completely, little boy of 3 years old is very happy, jump to jump before camera lens, what also be enmeshed in happiness to the couple then is cheerful in the center, and the incorrect interest that did not note a son, such, that little boy of 3 years old is jumping to jumping to die.
After a year, this is in to the couple son the anniversary of the death of a parent that day, take video in light of, suffer from in order to solve Sai Zizhi, cannot think of, because glad ability jumps,the son that jumping all the time in camera lens is not, the hand that a without foundation appears is catching the son's hair, keep upgrade is pulled.
Pull, the son is helped dead.
Among them a friend told to happen in the area in Xiamen lake again the real story of a hospital, a surname why the doctor works overtime to perform an operation for a patient after come off work, after period of time, the patient declare on operating-table dies.
Already was close to midnight at that time, terribly defeated surgery why the doctor is sitting from 5 buildings elevator comes home, just when he walks into elevator, face about presses elevator button, when elevator door should box up, have a nurse hastily ran, the doctor presses elevator door again at once, let that nurse come in.
After the nurse receives lift, said voice: "Thank " , elevator goes downward, 3 buildings, 2 buildings.
First floor arrived, but elevator did not stop, next B1.
The doctor is feeling to feel puzzled, what moment hospital did become much 3 buildings of subterranean? Arrived B4 when, elevator door was opened suddenly come, there is a man to want to take elevator outside the door, the doctor saw him, feel a bit incorrect interest, box up elevator door directly, do not allow the lift on him, let elevator continue to rise.
At this moment, that nurse asks a doctor amazedly: "For what don't you let him come in? " the doctor says: "My courage is very great, but I feel odd having a place, didn't you see the hand ring that wearing on his hand? That is the cadaver types or forms of literature that sends into mortuary only can wear ' cadaver annulus ' ah! " at this moment the left hand that the nurse raised her, laugh very awfully, look at a doctor to say: Bay door? of Ju of Sun of archives neon admire " inside elevator silent, doctor astounded, subsequently the nurse disappeared.
Next this friend explained an actual person and event that produces in Ning De again, often quarrel to husband and wife, one day, two people made a noise to rise for problem of the economy in the home again, 18128