Introduce:A man at a loose end does not have a thing, in oneself building the top was planted a lot of vegetable.
Arrived before long the season of harvest, various bird Dou Laiguang consider little vegetable garden of the man.
Then the man plunged into a cross with two bamboo pole, carelessly drapes to abandon old sodden cloth, did a pallet jackstraw to be inserted on building top.
A day night, he hears the building supports to transmit birdcall all the time.
He is hitting flashlight to be on a building, discovery was to be unplugged everywhere the body of the bird of wool.
Next he saw feather is bespread on jackstraw body, with respect to luxuriant like plumage.
Come without the bird again since then the vegetable garden made trouble.
Passed a few days, the dog of neighbour home disappeared, looking for a lot of places.
When the attic on the man attends a vegetable garden, just discover that dog was pulled the head is on the ground, and that dog head, insert on the bamboo pole of jackstraw, ground of grimace in pain is laughing.
The man gets off rapidly dog head, along with body is buried in the vegetable garden together, go up in a pumpkin again vulture facial features, installed build to jackstraw.
In succession a few late nights, ring every night on building top " Dong Dong " sound, happy like child is in skip, make a noise so that the man does not have a law to rest.
The man also couldn't help again, run go upstairs the bamboo pole that the top broke off to be inserted in the vegetable garden.
Jackstraw so it is in the ground, resembling is was ground by the car waist.
The following day, the police receives neighbour to report a case to the security authorities come in man home.
Man all over the body is blood falls on the bed, be given birth to forcedly personally partly up and down avulsion, resembling is was ground by the car lumbar ……8390