原来: 那天早上他二伯去上班,到第二天了都还没回来,平时都是当天晚上就该回来的。
直到后来某天,同村的一人慌慌张张的跑到他家去说:我晓得你家***到哪了,就在**山上那洞里,整个人都烂了,你快去吧! 原来是他家俩小孩没事在山里玩,不知怎么的就跑到山洞里,然后就看到洞里睡了一团什么东西,花白花白的还以为是狗、猪什么的。
最后没办法,只能在地上铺一块布,用钉耙一点一点的往后钩,钩到布上再一裹在用布做的担架抬回去…… 令人费解的是他为什么会死在那个洞里?不是抢劫,因为他身上的所有东西都还在,手表,手机,钱包,公文包,都没有翻动过的痕迹。
说着话,人也没停,风一般的向她跑去… 且说石殷娘,浑浑噩噩,昏昏沉沉的,并不知道她此时在干什么,本来意识空灵,忽听得远处如炸雷般响起自己的名字,轰然惊醒,一看,脚下是万丈山崖,再往前多迈一脚,便也香消玉陨了… 事后有人问她你怎么回事?咋恁个想不开啊!…石殷娘苦笑道:我也不知道啊,本来我好好的砍柴,忽然就感觉头晕,整个世界一摇一晃的,站也站不稳,就想着休息一下,于是我就靠着树坐着,坐着坐着我就睡着了,发生什么事我也不晓得,等我听见有人叫我醒来就站在那里了,可吓死我了哟…… 她遇见的是倒路鬼,在我们那多的是,也叫……
Introduce:One does not calculate incident of bloodcurdling clever different, be apart from fast now 10 years, that is me in just going up, learn, one day classeses are over return the home, the grandma tells me to say your cousin 2 uncle dead, etc issue us to look.
I one Jing: Of the cousin 2 uncle, either very mental person? Just 40 odd, store of a general merchandise opened on the town, often shop before me.
I ask the grandma is how to return a responsibility at once.
Original: That day in the morning he 2 uncle go going to work, to the following day had not come back, came back with respect to this in the evening that day at ordinary times.
Nevertheless his family also should not reply a thing, the heart thinks the likelihood is occupied went answering do not come.
Barpque nevertheless is next 9 many months did not see a person, the family member became confused search everywhere.
But how cannot find, but be forced to call the police say the person is missing.
Till later one of these day, the one person that is the same as a village walks hastily to his home to say: I know * of * of your home * arrives which, be in on * * hill in that hole, whole person rotted, you go quickly! It is his home so two children do not have a thing to play in hill, do not know how run in cave, saw posse sleeps in the hole next what thing, of grey grey still thinking is dog, pig of what.
Approaching to look is an individual so, return understanding, the child is in charge of him to call 2 father's younger brother.
Climb on whole living body of a human being full maggot.
Give out blast a disgusting stink.
The two children that frighten then hasten run back to the home to tell adult.
His family gets dead body later, do not have a law to carry at all, whole rot, touch the flesh to be dropped downward with the hand, the flesh is rare.
The maggot of all over the body, still grew the Bai Mao of cloth with soft nap of a cloth with soft nap.
Do not have method finally, can spread a cloth on the ground only, with rake bit by bit hook of in the future, does the hook wrap the litter that doing with cloth to carry to the another on cloth go back is what …… makes a person incomprehensible him why can you be to death in that hole? Not be to rob, all things that go up because of his body still are in, watch, mobile phone, purse, portfolio, do not have the trace that has flipped through.
He also did not cross enemy with whose knot outside.
Occupying old person fokelore is in the evening was confused by ghost in halfway.
An edge that we are West Hunan then hangs down small town, before listening to my grandma to say a few years, that ability calls terror, quirk has every day, can touch constantly on, … that moment still does not have highway, it is narrow meandering footpath completely, all round big big tea tree.
Arrive in the evening, click of the tongue, you want to meet with only, the sound of snarl of be laughing and playing in tea woods is incessant with ear, of sandy soil of the stone that throw mud, tea willow places chaos madly to twist, it is fortunately the person over there also was used to fearsome … very, do not feel to have why inappropriate.
Remember those who say having my father's younger brother, he is a butcher, he says I was driven that day come back, 6387