话说当我有一次在玩 iNTeRNeT的时候,我在一个徵友的专栏内认 识了一位叫做 "钟翠雯"的小姐,我在专栏上介绍了自己,同时也给了他我 的 e-maiL addReSS,和各位认识网友一样,每天都期等待她的回覆。
我有一个习惯,就是入夜後先 cHecK e-maiL和 SeNd e-maiL,有一 晚,外边突然刮起大风,跟着雷闪电同落起大雨,我也好似平常一样 cHecK e-maiL,当我 cHecK到一位叫做钟翠雯的 e-maiL,我突然兴奋到 叫起,我心想终於等到他回覆我了,跟着我就写了一段 e-maiL给她,可 是当我按完 SeNd的按钮後,突然间我身边的 iNTeRNeT-PHoNe响起,我第 一时间接听,有一把较人心寒,带点凄厉的女声从话筒直入我的耳 内,我起初以为是朋友整我,我没有理会它,怎知,响了许多次後,我终 於不耐烦问她是谁,他说自己是钟翠雯,好挂念我,又说自己好孤独想 找人陪伴她,我们倾谈了大约几小时後,他就说天快要亮了他要走 了.
他最後跟我讲 "如果我早些认识你,我就不会这样了"本来我想追 问下去,但他已经断了线。
第二日,当我看报纸的时候,突然我看到一段报导 "有一名红衣女 子,傍晚因感情问题,从高处跳下身亡,死者钟翠雯",我马上晕了过 去。
忠告各位网友:小心你身边的 iNTeRNeT-PHoNe,她可能今晚会找你陪他.
Introduce:When the word says to playing INTeRNeT once when me, I knew to call " Zhong Cuiwen the young lady of " inside the column of friend of an a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, I introduced myself on column, also gave him my E-maiLaddReSS at the same time, with each understanding netizen, everyday period a Fu that awaits her.
How do I also want to be less than, this is I am encountered all one's life most the hour that fears cloth.
I have a habit, it is at nightfall after first CHecKe-maiL and SeNde-maiL, have one evening, outside sudden sweep gale, follow thunder lightning to fall together a heavy rain, my it may not be a bad idea is like common and same CHecKe-maiL, when me CHecK is called Zhong Cuiwen's E-maiL to, I am abrupt excitement arrives cry, my heart thinks eventually at when he answers Fu me, followed me to write a paragraph of E-maiL to give her, but become me to press the pushbutton after of SeNd, abrupt an INTeRNeT-PHoNe beside me is noisy case, I listen secondhand temporarily, have relatively popular feeling is cold, inside the side that takes bit of sad and shrill female voice to enter me continuously from mike, I think at first is the friend rectifies me, I did not pay attention to it, how know, rang after of many a time, I eventually at impatient ask who she is, he says he is Zhong Cuiwen, miss me very much, say oneself are very alone again want to look for a person to accompany her, our have a good about a few hours of after, he says the day was about to shine he wants.
He most I tell heel " if I know you some earlier, I won't such " is original I want to examine minutely, but he had broken a string.
The 2nd day, when I read newspaper, suddenly I see " of a paragraph of report has woman of a red garment, the dusk because emotional problem, jump down a body to die from altitude, " of the dead's Zhong Cuiwen, on my horse dizzy in the past.
Expostulatory everybody netizen: Careful the INTeRNeT-PHoNe beside you, she can look for you possibly to accompany him tonight.