Introduce:The Song Dynasty fishs by the side of Chu Quhu, although the person of fishing is very much, but angle without the person a long time a fish.
He is dull the ground to everywhere wait-and-see, two people on the side caused Song Chu's attention, that is an a thin person and a fatso.
A thin person is poor skinny, wore an unlined garment only; Severe tight wrapped a lot of dresses solidly on fatso body, look resembling is the black bear that crouchs on the ground only, do not know his itself is very fat, still wore the cause of too much dress.
Observe them in Song Chu when, those two people also send he, after staring at Song Chu to look a little while, 3 angle the person that is less than a fish began to chat.
Male people chats to always won't cast boast this kind of thing, did not pass how long, the courage that who 3 people are after all is the greatest conflict rise.
Great of Hunan of the Song Dynasty says: "Have previously drown in a lake outstanding, how is the body also salvaged, other person not dare from lakefront transient, but I dare swim inside everyday.
" fat person became white he is one, distain the ground to say: "What do this calculate, there also is to drown near my home outstanding lake, I not only dare swim inside, and the bone that scoops up a the dead from inside the lake actually once.
My carry the things through,whatever the consequences, simply the rest 205 bone also were scooped up, bring back an a place of strategic importance to be below the bed next.
" after Song Chu listens, did not see fat person by open-eyed ground.
The ground says the grinning after a thin person listens: "Look my courage is the smallest.
A person is before me in the lake swim, after hearing somebody to walk over, hide in underwater hastily.
But then the individual enters the water to send before long I, he dragged me from water, take his home next.
When I take the advantage of him to sleep in the evening, escape secretly, after because be dragged from water by him,coming out all the time disrobe child, when going so, I stole his dress.
" after moment, song Chu associates to the word that fatso says, frighten a thin person that the ground looks at skinny, a what kind of dress did he steal after all? Abrupt, fatso is ferocious to Song Chu ground say: "Does know in you he is most coward? That rents me to wear your dress.
" say wrap thick on the body dress avulsion, there is a skin actually on his body, ceaselessly outward face appears blood.
A thin person as before grinning ground says: "Why do you know we did not angle from the lake a fish? What because we want,angle is you this big ' fish ' .
" Song Chu saw two people, sneer to a thin person: "Look you are who is remembering me, whether do you remember you drowning then in the lake later, how does the flesh on the body disappear? " a thin person stayed a short while, the paralysis that frightens suddenly like seeing devil next sits on the ground.