事情发生,可能是我自己大意,没听叮咛 从小,家里就一直给我戴玉,随着年龄增加,戴的玉也会更换,在我记忆中除了玉破掉外, 换过了三、四块玉了,每块玉跟我在一起都有四五年的历史吧!! 现在身上这块玉,我戴了约有两年多了,当初是因为原先那块破了,家里才拿给我的 是一块雕龙的玉,论价值应该是我戴过最贵重的吧。
说来奇怪,家里小孩有三个,就惟独 我是玉不离身的,一来是我也习惯戴玉,一来是家里不断叮咛,尤其当我晚上要出门时, 一定会提醒我玉有没有戴。
约是半年前吧,暑假农历七月底的时候,记得那天是周六,家 中只有我一人,我正在洗手间,刚好电话进来,我家浴室是有一只电话的,是我老板要我 临时出差到花莲,星期天早上就要到,也就是要我开夜车下去,那时已经过深夜12时了。
我上洗手间必定把玉拿下来,也因为这个习惯,我匆匆出门忘了戴它了,要开长途又 是开夜车,我一定会替车子做一下检查的,一切没问题,我就上路啦.
刚从新店上北 宜公路,一切都很正常,等到过了坪林,我想起上回在这遇到的怪事,又想起老爸以前开 计程车时在北宜遇过的怪事.
「那时是我还是个婴儿的时候,老爸开计程车是开夜班的,那晚载一个客人到宜兰, 回程行经北宜时看到路边一个身穿白衣的女子在招车,可是等他车停妥後,却发现没有人 招车,他想可能是他眼花了,就没去注意,後来开着开着觉得前面的路有点不对,那个路 段应该都是转弯的,可是他眼中所见却是一条直路,老爸把车停下,下车看个仔细,一下 车却发现前面是个大弯道,可是他上车後看到的又是一条直路,他被吓坏了,不敢再开, 索性把车熄火,在车上睡一觉等天亮再走。
」 想到老爸那回.
玉呢?忘 在家里了。
有点想调头回去拿,可是也走了一半了,想想还是硬着头皮走下去,心想反正 有脏东西我会感觉得到,顶多到时学老爸停车不开就是了。
开慢一点总不会有问题吧!! 不会有问题?这回问题可大了,不是第一次遇到脏东西的我这一次可被吓坏了。
心中实在不安!所以我也不敢开太快,我想当时我大概把时速维持在30-40之间,开着 开着忽然觉得有人用手戳我的後脑,这感觉不是错觉,很明显,而且有冰冰凉凉的感觉, 我吓了一大跳,回头看看後座,一切正常,没事,就在我转头回前方时刚好眼角馀光扫 过车内的後照镜,居然好像有个人在我後座上,吓的我心快要跳出来了,连方向盘都差点 没抓稳,连忙停下车,坐在驾驶座上发抖,好不容易心情平静了一下,再缓缓回头,後座 真的空无一人,是我错觉吗?我自己心里想应该不是,我真的蛮确定现在车上绝对不只我 一个,一定有其它东西在,我感觉得出来有东西在我背後,可是我实在没有勇气在回头看 也没有勇气再去瞄後照镜了。
也不知道我究竟呆坐在那有多久了,只知道我一直坐到心情平复多了,觉得可以开车 了才再度上路,一路上觉得後座有人的感觉一直没有消失,我也确定那不是我的幻觉,一 直想把油门踩到底赶快离开这里,可是想到老爸那回的遭遇我就不敢太慌张,只敢慢慢的 开,深怕自己一着急会出意外,心里还在咒骂老板市每次有急事都叫我半夜开车跑长途, 下一回我决不再理他了,也暗骂自己粗心,早知当初觉得不对时就应该要掉头回去了,也 暗骂自己怎麽会忘了带玉呢?忽然路旁闪出一个像是小孩的黑影,我连忙紧急煞车,我可 以感觉得到我撞上他了,心想糟了,这下事情大了,赶快下车看看,可是当我下车时居然 没看到有任何东西,是我眼花吗?可是若是我眼花的话怎麽会觉得车子有撞到东西呢?难 道被我压在车底下啦!只好打开行李箱拿出手电筒来弯下去看看罗。
就在我要趴下去查看 车底时,还好没东西。
心里总算平静点,还好不是撞到人,既然没事刚刚就算我自己太神 精好了。
把手电筒放回去後才发现车子怎麽熄火了,熄火就算了还连大灯冷气和音响都停 了,就像是电瓶没电一样,可是我上周才换新电瓶!怎麽会这样子。
发动车子时连一点 声音都没有,就算电瓶快没电也不会这样!只好打开引擎盖看罗!这种时候被困在这, 真是.
怪事来了,我打开引擎盖居然看不到我可爱的电瓶,空空的没有东西,没电瓶我能开 到这?我甚至还伸手去摸摸看,真的没东西,这下我真的认栽了,就在我关上引擎盖,那 时一定是面向车内的嘛,看到我车内有两个人影,一大一小,吓的我腿都软了,不敢回车 上,坐在地上靠着车子喘气,心想今晚是走不成了,只希天亮後还有机会能走.
惊魂未定,全身已经都是冷汗了,佩服老爸当初他还能睡的着,不过我蛮怀疑他是不 是在唬我,我不相信当时他能这麽冷静,一定像我一样吓坏了,想想打打坐好了,也不用 到入定,只要让心情平静一点就行了,就在车外盘腿坐了起来,心中默念着大悲咒,我也 只会背这一段了,就这样一个人在车外坐了快三小时吧,到天真的亮了,我才站起来回头 看看车上,果然没东西了,总算天亮了。
可是车子坏啦,荒郊野岭的要我怎麽办呢?只好等看看有没有路过的车子求救罗,没 多久有一台小货车经过,看到我在那招手就停了下来,那司机很好心的问我怎麽了,我当 然不会说电瓶不见了,有谁会信,只说车子坏了,可能是没电吧,看他能不能帮我找人 带个新电瓶来,他好心的帮我发动看看,车子居然一发就动了,他还笑着对我说那有坏 !我根本无言以对,只能对他傻笑然後说声谢谢。
待他走後,我才刚上车车就又熄火了,我不死心的再打开我的引擎盖,那可爱的电瓶 居然回来了,我看到它乖乖的在原位上真的快喜极而泣啦,赶快回车上再发动车子,果然 一发就动,刚刚是引擎没热够才熄火的,吓我一跳。
後来就顺顺利利的让我平安到达花莲 啦!!不过,到花莲时已经快中午啦!! 办完事,也是下午四点多啦,那边的人邀我吃晚餐,晚上再回台北,这回我学乖啦, 坚持要马上走,还要我再开夜车走北宜,我可是正常的很,别再玩一次啦。
不过,回程时 我也不走北宜啦,我走浜海到基隆再回台北。
完 ps:虽然身上总是戴着护身用的玉,可是我一直怀疑玉是否能避邪,我觉得只是戴着它会让 我安心许多,就算觉得有脏东西在附近我也不会很害怕,可能就是因为这样,所以玉能 护身,而非它有什麽能力吧!!
Introduce:Its happening, the likelihood is myself carelessness, did not listen to the urge again and again in the home as a child, I give Dai Yu all the time in the home, increase as the age, the jade that wear also can change, in my memory besides jade shatter, had changed 3, 4 jade, every jade has history of 45 years together with me! ! Go up personally now this jade, I was worn have two years many about, because,be at the outset former that is defeated, what I just take in the home is the jade of dragon of a carve, considering value should be my Dai Guo is the most precious.
For a wonder, the child in the home has 3, with respect to alone jade does not leave a body me, coming is I also am used to Dai Yu, coming is the home in ceaseless urge again and again, should go out in the evening when me especially when, regular meeting reminds me jade is worn.
It is half an year about before, summer vacation the traditional Chinese calendar by July when, remember that day is Saturday, there am me only in the home one person, I am in closet, just the phone comes in, my home shower room has a telephone call, it is my boss wants me to be away on official business temporarily Hualien, be about in the morning on Sunday, want my burn the midnight oil to go down namely, already passed a late night in those days 12 when.
I do not think in ghost the month drives alone in the evening really boreal appropriate or it is creek sea highway, it is the boss has only your must from.
The closet on me is sure take jade, also be used to because of this, I go out hurriedly forgot to wear it, should leave long-distance it is burn the midnight oil, I can make an inspection for the car certainly, everything is no problem, I with respect to start off.
Firm anew highway of appropriate of the north on inn, everything is very normal, when crossed level ground forest, I remember go up an oddity that encounters in this, when remembering to cab drives before old father again, in north appropriate receives the revelation that pass.
" in those days is me still be a baby when, old father drives cab open evening shift, carry a guest to arrive that evening appropriate orchid, the woman that sees roadside wears Bai Yi when appropriate of north of return trip go by is in action car, but wait for after of his car be in order, discover however enrol a car without the person, he thinks the likelihood is him dazed, did not notice, later is leaving to leaving to feel the way in front is a bit wrong, that a section of a highway should turn, but the place in his eye sees,be a forthright however, old father stops the car, get off see careful, getting off is a big turn before discovery however path, but after of the car on him sees is a forthright, he was psyched out, not dare reopen, simply car flameout, sleep on board the day break such as shut-eye goes again.
" think of old father is answered then.
I feel scalp still has bit of pins and needles really, the right hand is felt before chronic past bosom.
Where is jade? Forget to be in the home.
Think tune goes back a bit take, can be to also take an in part, want or toughen one's scalp-brace oneself steps down, the heart wants to have dirty thing anyway I can feel, when arriving at most14357