4,别穿着衣服睡觉,那样你的灵魂会出敲,常常说的鬼发生 ,也就是你穿衣服时的灵魂出窍,那个鬼发生,也就是你的灵魂,那你可千万别打他,打他你也会痛的。
Introduce:These are no-no, must be sure to keep in mind, if err that one, you are about to was punished, and that penalty can take you Acheron.
1; Very simple, average person often says, somebody knocks in the evening, avoid by all means, was at 1 o'clock later.
Never with what open the door, you think, who can look for you by day, and in at dead of night? By day and even positive thing, the content of night and even shade.
Want to play this sentence, are you OK have one's ideas straightened out? 2; Normally the person may not know, do not hold this ball in the arms to sleep namely, you think, are head and ball god very resemble? Can so say, you are holding a ball in the arms to be equal to the head that hatching a sinister plot, be apt to is expensive, you are OK still subsist, if be cacodaemon? How are you met child? It is cacodaemon likely very, be apt to is expensive metropolis well slow-witted in the home, cacodaemon is met normally everywhere amuse oneself, play your home, meeting the ball you, when the head that becomes me! 3, when sleeping in the evening namely the mirror to the head of a bed, you think, the mirror is the content of door opening ghost, ghost door, you with respect to get killed.
4, wearing the dress to sleep, in that way your soul can go out knock, the ghost that often says happens, namely the soul when you wear the dress gives a key to do sth, that ghost happens, namely your soul, that you but must not hit him, hit him you also are met painful.
5; If you miss your dear one, can sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware, should be, that ghost [namely your family member] can appear, of course you also do not know who he is, so, do not think in the evening! That meeting draws on ghost! 6; Avoid by all means, daydream in the evening dream of somebody when to ask you, when does ten million never mention it, want to say I also do not know, if said, that is you get dead field.
Do not know, your chairman life is 100 that is to say years old.
Reality also is such.
7; Daydream in the evening, when to ask others, with 61 appearance the inevitable hour that is you then.
Reality is same 8; Daydream dream of have again say where meets, after awaking, cannot answer be, he is very handsome, go seeing him, do not go, that is ghost, can make you dead also.
9; Dream of telephone number, do not want to hit, that number may be.