Introduce:The new home author of the grandma: Mo Chou grandma 60 just passed, with respect to buy a coffin prepared before one's death (bier) .
A coffin prepared before one's death is put in her room, the whole body is gotten by vermeil big paintbrush Yi Yi is unripe brightness.
This bier, be being put in grandma room is more than 20 years.
The grandma is 84 years old when, that day at night, I hear the room of the grandma to have very big activity.
Push a door to look, the grandma sleeps sweet, do not have unusual.
The following day I say with the grandma: "In your room, there was very big voice last night, seeming is passed from bier, won't have rat? Do not let it gnaw your old family belongs bad.
" the grandma says: "Bad, I should go.
The sound that you heard last night, the fetch that is me go in clean new home.
" " won't grandma? Your body is so good.
" I feel the grandma is cheating me, her ear acute hearing eye intelligent, body hale and hearty, dietary daily life can provide for oneself, how can you say to go? Did not think of to lie between a day only, the 3rd day of early morning, the grandma sits in the do up one's hair on the low stool before the door, head one-sided, washed-up.
Author of a child: Suffering grinds the first son is two woman little one's mother's sister years old when, fall into drowned in the river.
The 2nd son also is to be in two years old when, die in one's bed of at night indescribable attack of fever.
Gave birth to 4 sons with respect to such join, no matter how is family taken care of attentively, be in two years old when died.
Be in a country, this kind very small the child that died is to cannot be buried in ancestral grave, on the edge of ridge of field that must be buried in home Li Zutian.
And the old person in the home says, such child is to go up all one's life owed him, this all one's life will demand repayment, must lie between child of two years of second birth.
As expected, lay between two years of second birth, the 5th child of little one's mother's sister is a daughter.
Be being written down is summer of before a few years, I am taking this little little sister to go to a country playing, abrupt, the little little sister with not quite clear still conversation says with me: "The elder brother is over there …… " the eye that says child can see a thing, I ask her, "A few elder brothers do you see? " as a result weird thing happened, little little sister is pointing to number of ridge of field: "One, 2, 3, 4, 4 elder brothers.
" remember now, I still feel hair of the back of the human body is cool.