朦胧中,我被阵阵的幽怨声惊醒! 怀中似有一物,软绵绵的,底头细瞧,我愣住了! 怀中之物却是女人,看不清脸,只觉她浑身轻颤! 努力追寻记忆,印像中无有此女子! 大惊,立即推开此女子,她台起头来,我看清了她的脸! 俊俏的脸蛋儿上,部满了泪水,长长的睫毛下是无神的双眼,乌黑的秀发凌乱的洒在胸前! 我的确不认识她,却不知她因何躺在我的怀里! 古儿,怎么了?你不认得我了吗? 你是.
我是你三百年前的妻子----幽儿啊!她很伤心,泪水,从她那本以无神的双眸中涌出! 我更加迷茫了,在我的记忆中,却实没有女孩儿叫什么幽儿的! 我看着她,她在我面前似乎一点也未曾掩饰,泪水一滴滴的从她的腮边滚落,吧嗒吧嗒地掉在床上! 我望着她,她看着我,就这样,良久,良久,我想了很多,三百年前?难道她真的是我三百年前的妻子? 我看了看四周围,我俨然是在女子的闺房中!比电视中的要得多了!由其是我眼前的自称幽儿的女子,地地道道的古装!看得出,她不是什么绝色美女,很普通! 我有些按耐不住了!如果她真的是我三百年前的妻子,为什么一直到现在还不投胎转室? 正当我要开口问她的时候,我忽然发现她的眼神在转变,先前那无神的双眸中现在充满了怨恨! 她停止了哭泣:“为什么?为什么你说三年后回来取我,可我却一等就是三百年?为什么连一纸书信都未曾给我?你忘了我们海誓山盟,忘了我们要双宿双飞吗?说,,,为什么?为什么?.
! 我被她一顿的为什么问得有些喘不过气来~!:“都三百年了,我不知以转室多少遍了!我上哪还能记得?”我的话随然有点重,但事实的确如此! 你不记得了吗?那好,我来告诉你,三百年前我把你从狼群中救起,你在我府上住了半年有余,我们日久生情,私定终身,你临走的时候送给我一对玉枕,说三年后你一定会回到我的身边,双宿双飞,让我等你! 我等啊,等啊,足足等了你三百年,而以转世的你却识不出我来!.
! 三百年前的事我不得而知,只有不着边际的猜测! 她哭得很伤心,使我不得不信信这一切都是真的! 许久,我轻轻的抬起她的头,看着她满脸的泪水,楚楚动人!:“幽儿,不管三百年前发生了什么事,我们现在不是在一起了吗? 不,这不一样,三百年前我们都是人,而三百年后,我是鬼,你是人,人鬼殊途!三百年来我把灵魂依附在玉枕里,而不转世,就是想见你最后一面,三百年来我看到的人世间的悲欢离合得太多了,玉枕碎了,我依附在碎玉里被人做成玉玲珑,玉镯子,玉戒指,当时我的心也碎了,因为玉枕是我见到你唯一的希望!终于,黄天不付有心人,半年前我所依附的碎片又被做成了玉枕,半年后的今天被你相中了! 你知道吗,当你把玉枕抱在怀里的时候,我兴奋极了,我知道,你是爱我的,随然你以转世,但还是喜欢玉!也就是说,你还是怀念三百年前的那对玉枕!我们双宿双飞的玉枕! 她停了停,然后幽幽地说道:“可是,我不知道,你为什么要抱着另一个枕头入睡呢? 我浑身一震,真的,我当时被她感动了,差点就把鬼舞的事告诉她! 可正当我要开口的时候,她却接着说:“我没想到你原来爱我爱得这么深,以后别抱那个枕头了,抱着这块玉枕吧,因为玉枕就是我!等了你三百年的我!” 我哑然,心里极度矛盾! 她接着说:“还有,现在我见到你了,我发过誓,不见你面,绝不转世,现在我见到你了,也知道虽然过了三百余年,可你心中依然有我,我也就满足了!三天后,我就会转世投胎,如果有缘的话,我们再续三百年来未了的情缘!.
我紧紧地抱着她,虽然我对她一点印像没有,但我相信这一切都是真的,我今天的确在民博会上买了一块玉枕!而且还是没有理由的喜欢! 我们就这样相拥着,诉说着,哭泣着!我感觉,我欠她的实在是太多了,是我无法弥补的! 嘀嘀嘀,手机的闹表响了,不用睁眼,应该以经八点十分了吧!可我的梦还不想做完,我还不想醒!不想醒!为什么要吵醒我?我的幽儿,三百年的未解情缘! 我抱着昨天刚刚买来的玉枕,很凉,很沉,似乎还湿湿的! 三百年前的幽儿,三百年后的鬼舞,也许前世的风流而注定我今生的孤单! 看看表,以经是深夜十点多了,最后就祝我今夜好梦吧,也祝大家今夜梦里寻缘!作者:古刹飞鹰QQ :28095553e-maiL:aqu0616@sina.
Introduce:Unbroken jade pillow is complained, when this hate predestined relationship is used up.
Unbroken jade pillow is complained, when this hate predestined relationship is used up.
When this hate predestined relationship is used up.
Hazy in, I by blast blast hidden bitterness sound sleeps lightly! Be like in the bosom have one thing, of soft, heart head careful look, I am stupefied! Conceiving medium content is a woman however, see not clear face, become aware she quivers gently all over only! Search memory hard, imprint in resembling, do not have have this woman! Big Jing, promote this woman instantly, her stage comes at first, I see her face clear! On charming cheeks, the ministry became full tear, growing long eyelash to fall is the double eye that does not have a god, pitch-black beautiful hair is aspersed pell-mell before the bosom! I do not know her really, because why lie in my bosom,do not know her however! Ancient, how? You not know me? You are.
I am the wife you are 300 years ago----Deep and remote ah! She is very sad, tear, from her flush in that double eye with having a god! I am more confused, in my memory, solid however without the girl what to call deep and remote! I look at her, she appears before me a bit also have not is concealed, tear boils by the side of the from her cheek of a drop fall, da Da ground is dropped go up in the bed! I am looking at her, she looks at me, such, a long time, a long time, I thought a lot of, 300 years ago? is she the wife I am 300 years ago really? I look four all round, I solemn is to be in the boudoir of archaic woman! Truer than TV wants mediumly realization is much! By its it is me before profess deep and remote woman, genuine ancient costume! Look reach, what is she peerlessly beautiful belle, very common! I some are pressed was unable to bear! If she is the wife I am 300 years ago really, why to return to now all the time not does reincarnation turn room? When just when I want a mouth,asking her, I discover her eyes is transforming suddenly, in having magical double eye then before was full of resentment now! She stopped to cry: "Why? Why to after you say 3 years, come back to take me, can am I first-class however be 300 years? Why to join one paper epistolary does have not give me? You forgot we swear by the moon and the stars in the skies to love forever, forgot we want double Su Shuangfei? Say, , , why? Why? .
! I by her why to ask some are suffocatively to come ~ ! : "300 years, I do not know in order to turn room how much to all over! Can the where on me still remember? " my word is followed weigh a bit like that, but the fact is such really! Didn't you remember? Good, I will tell you, 300 years ago me you from the wolf group in save case, you lived in my you home half an year is superabundant, our with the passing of time lays condition, illicit calm lifelong, I give block of a pair of jade when you are faced, beside after saying 3 years, you can return me certainly, double Su Shuangfei, let me wait for you! I wait, wait, waited for you 300 years fully, and10870