-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 『鈴~~~鈴~~~~』 大廈管理員徐伯聽到鈴聲後隨即查看升降機停留在那一層。
『啊! 是五樓。
』 於是徐伯使用樓梯步行上五樓, 他不用另一部升降機是因為害怕另一部也會壞掉。
我是住在五樓的, 剛剛下班回家, 換了套衣服想出門, 徐伯上到來看見了我便問我可否留下看看有沒有什麼可以幫忙。
徐伯平常待人很好, 而我也不太趕時間, 便自願下來。
『咯!咯!咯!』 我連忙敲了升降機門, 看看有沒有人被困。
良久, 沒有回應, 那我們只好走了, 徐伯更說道: 『幸好, 沒有人被困呢.
』 話未說完, 突然聽見.
『咯!咯!咯!』 我們清楚聽到是由升降機內傳出的聲音。
『咯!咯!咯!咯!咯!』 這次我不自覺地敲了五下。
『咯!咯!咯!咯!咯!』 內裡亦同樣回應地傳來了五下敲門聲。
『有沒有人呀?』 證實了是由升降機內傳出來, 我便大聲地問。
這時剛巧有個住客經過, 他是一名休班中的警員, 看見我們, 便前來幫忙。
』 一把洪厚但又感覺很深沉的男人聲道。
警員隨即叫徐伯先去報警, 要求有關人員前來協助破門救人, 免得被困太久而令內裡的人缺氧。
『你們有多少人呀?』 警員又問。
『五人! 我們一共有五人.
』 回應的依然是那一把男人聲。
『你們忍耐一下, 我們正在找人來破門!』 『好.
我也沒時間再細想為何只得男的回應, 而他們又好像並不著急似的.
沒多久, 徐伯已帶同兩名消防員上來破門。
『我們現在要破開升降機門, 請你們退下!』 其中一名消防員說道。
』 又是那男聲回應。
剎那間, 升降機門已破開了, 但,.
空空如也!! 真的空空如也, 莫說五個人, 就是一隻蟑螂的影蹤也沒有.
!! 我們相對無言, 已心裡有數, 因為, 是確確實實地有人於裡面回應的, 心想, 已知道是什麼一回事。
於是, 一行五人, 都各自離開了現場。
第二日, 在我還未將這件事淡忘之前, 我如常上班, 升降機已維修好了, 我亦刻意迴避地乘搭另一部升降機。
到了地面, 一開升降機門, 便看見徐伯正在燒著金銀衣紙。
於是, 我好奇地問徐伯為何在這裡燒衣紙。
他說: 『唔.
你今年才搬來, 難怪你不知道。
是這樣的, 早兩年前, 這部升降機曾經發生過意外, 升降欖斷了引致升降機墜下, 當時裡面有三男二女, 無一生還.
』 原來, 昨晚所發生的事, 背後是有著這樣的事情。
究竟, 是我們的幻覺? 還是“他們”真的存在另一個空間? 直至我搬離這座大廈之前, 我也不自覺地迴避那部升降, 即使是等侯另一部會用更長的時間.
Introduce: Zuo the thing is I answer at Long of 10 probably, be apart is in already had 10 year, Zuo of ground of real issue and a particular year are not clear already, I think Yu is big Ji 83 come 85 years or so.
At of some one Hong Kong big , my calls it to make first " Jia Yi big " ! The following my goes with law of of a suit narrates Zuo the issue that cannot consider Zhu .
The Zuo of the story only then be by " Jia Yi big " litre fall of alarm Zuo of Zuo Zuo Long only then.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"~ of ~ of ~ of ~ of Zuo of ~ of Zuo ~ ~ " Long of Xu Bai of of big management is examined namely to Zuo of Zuo Long after litre fall stays in that one .
"Ah! It is 5 .
" at it is Xu Bai uses ladder to go up on foot 5 , he need not rise another times fall because fears, is another also is dropped.
I live in 5 , comes off work come home, cover the dress to think up Zuo , Yao looks to on Xu Bai I I can deny stay look have it is OK to did not have assorted Zuo is busy.
Xu Baiping often needs a person very good, and I also not quite Zuo Zuo , issue from Zuo .
"Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! " my Zuo is busy knocked litre fall Zuo , look have do not have somebody to be stranded.
A long time, did not have a , then my is forced, xu Bai more Zha path: "Fortunately, do not have somebody to be stranded.
" Yu not Zha is over, abrupt Long Yao .
"Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! " my is clear that Long arrives is by litre fall the Long news that gives.
"Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! " Zuo second I was not knocked 5 times from Yin ground.
"Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! Cough up! " Xuan also answers of ground with 5 Long that knock Zuo .
"Have don't have somebody? " Zhu is by litre fall gives , I of big Long ground.
Zuo has to live opportunely guest Jian Zuo , he is one rests in the class alarm , see Yao my , before is busy.
"Have don't have somebody? " alarm again .
" a Hong Hou but feel again the man Long line with very dark Yin .
Alarm Zuo calls Xu Baixian to go namely alarm, of the before the requirement has Zuo person aids broken Zuo to help a person, lest is stranded too long and the person of your Xuan is anoxic.
"How many person does your have? " alarm .
"5 people! My altogether has 5 people.
3 male.
2 female.
" those who answer still is Long of that one man.
"Your is enduring, my is defeating Zuo in seeking a person! " " good.
" that man Long Zha path.
I also do not have Zuo again Ji thinks why is obliged male10014