Introduce:I have a friend, she has a pitch-black long hair, but since her when passing 30 years old, the hair is taken off all the time, and become withered and yellow, resemble historical novel plant from sprout wither is same, she also does not have pretty to feel puzzled, then the decision lets me accompany her to go to large hospital look.
Although the doctor says,be overworked phenomenon, gave a lot of nutrition articles for use, but still had disappeared to turn, as a result of this thing, my friend also is pained very, countenance is gaunt, I looked to also cannot bear heart.
Eventually one day night, because she is thirsty, get out of bed water is drunk, happen to had a hair to be dropped again, then she takes a looking glass, this does not look not to know, looking still is really those who frighten is not light.
The woman that she saw one does not have a hair is unplugging oneself hair, and still saying all the time in the mouth: Of long hair must die, of long hair after getting dead …… , my friend fainted, and she still made a dream, the dream arrived to one is growing the woman of full head black hair, sitting in river side to wash hair, suddenly drag of a hand lived that pitch-black beautiful hair, go to desperately in the river, bloody one side is the scalp head tear down that connects that woman comes, and that woman, wave as current to distance, river side is quiet like thinking whats did not happen.
The following day I receive a message to dare accompany her in the past, the memory that keeps only by her tells me this, so I write down it, tell everybody.
(my friend does not have a thing, because she invited a path travel to compare tall monk,be, for blessing of that woman pray, just spent in safety so)4283